Chances are, you have made your way to this part of our website because you have been unable to adequately feed yourself while struggling with feelings about:
Do I Need Help?

How do I know if I need treatment?
- Food
- Exercising
- Your body weight, shape or size
- Being out of control when eating
You may experience these feelings nearly every day. They might get in the way of your family, work and social life. If this is the case, you may need treatment for an eating disorder.
Other Indicators
You might also be a candidate for treatment if:
- You weigh more or less than expected for your age and height, and this is not caused by another medical condition.
(NOTE: Some people with eating disorders actually have a normal body weight.) - You are unable to stop worrying about your weight, shape or size
- You limit weight gain or force weight loss by:
- making yourself vomit after eating
- exercising a lot
- using diet pills, laxatives or diuretics
- You need nutritional supplements because you avoid large numbers of foods or food categories
- You have deep feeling of self disgust or hatred when you think about your body size or shape, or your eating habits
Tired of struggling alone?
If you or a loved is struggling, reach out today for help
Click Below to Learn More About Admission to our Programs in Bozeman and Missoula
If you relate to one or more of the statements above, you deserve help. It’s very common for individuals that are suffering to feel like they’re not sick enough. There is no such thing as sick enough. We work with people at all different levels of struggle and illness. We are here to support anyone who feels like they might need or want help.