Treatment for Adolescent Patients, 12-18 years old
The Eating Disorder Center of Montana sees patients ages 12-18 for outpatient treatment. Those ages 16 and above can also be treated in our intensive outpatient and day treatment programs.
Adolescent Treatment
We know that if you’re here, this is not an easy time for your family. We will support you in every way we can.

What treatment is available for adolescents?
Caregiver and Education Support Program
To support families with children in our programs, the Eating Disorder Center of Montana offers education for parents and caregivers. The Caregiver Education and Support Program includes twice weekly, virtual sessions that are designed to provide support to parents and caregivers, ongoing education on eating disorders and real-life advice on how to support your child. EDCMT requires that at least one parent or caregiver attends the program for four (4) weeks while the child is in treatment, setting up your family for success.
One of the best ways to give your child the best chance at lasting, lifelong recovery is for them to be at their best level of care as soon as possible. Adolescents are especially at risk of struggling with an eating disorder throughout their lives if treatment is not sought early.