Health at Every Size® (HAES)
EDCMT follows the Health at Every Size (HAES) principles and believes in weight inclusive treatment and respectful care for all. We are not a weight loss clinic or diet program. We know that each person will have a different natural (set point) weight based on genetics, history, etc. What we find is that with proper nourishment, people’s bodies tend to trend towards and settle at their natural weight and their metabolism will regulate. An important piece of our nutrition therapy is helping our patients to accept and live in peace with their natural body size.
Our Eating Philosophy
“Our philosophy at EDCMT is to help show you how food, brain and body really work together to give you back the life you once had and the life you aspire to and deserve to have.”
Paige Reddan, Nutrition Director
Dietetic Modalities
All Foods Fit
Our dietitians support an “all foods fit” philosophy. We understand that all foods provide energy to our bodies and we are not a better or worse person because of our food choices. Our meal plans are based on an exchange system which means that each meal contains a balance of food groups and we support a great deal of variety within those food groups. We help our patients portion their meals to meet nutrition needs. Our dietitians also work with patients to relieve anxiety around foods that they have deemed “unhealthy” and normalize eating these foods in the context of a balanced diet.
Meal Plans
Our registered dietitians work closely with each patient to create an individualized meal plan, and in PHP and IOP, RDs are present at all meals and snacks to maintain a safe space, in terms of discussion and behaviors. RDs meet individually with patients weekly and assess meal plan compliance between sessions on the Recovery Record app. During the session, the RD will work with the patient to explain the function of the meal plan and work around any barriers to meeting the meal plan. A patient’s meal plan may be adjusted at various times during treatment to meet their current needs and the patient will always be given the opportunity to ask questions or raise concerns.
At the first appointment with our dietitians, we will take a full weight and nutrition history. Taking in consideration one’s individual weight history as well as their history of weight suppression through dieting and ED behaviors, we will prescribe nutrition interventions and a meal plan.
We integrate the Intuitive Eating principles into our nutrition therapy, with the end goal being that our patients can make decisions around food that honor their body’s needs and internal cues. At the beginning of eating disorder treatment, hunger cues are typically either absent or quite unreliable due to chronic restriction and an disordered belief that the body cannot be trusted. Hunger cues will begin to be more reliable with consistent and adequate nourishment and we will work towards understanding and honoring those cues. We use the Recovery Record app for tracking, and invite patients to tune into hunger cues, and attune to appetite before and after meals as well as within mindfulness practice before meals.
Our dietitians help patients at all levels of care challenge food beliefs, allow for flexibility, remove fear and make peace with food.
Intolerances and Preferences
Our house chef has a background in hospitality as well as cooking, including a master’s degree in sustainable food systems and degrees in nutrition and farm-to-table culinary arts. She crafts beautiful meals and offers substitutions for intolerances and preferences when needed.
- Continued plant-based eating
- Dairy intolerance
- Specific allergies or intolerances
Every person is different. If you or your loved one has an intolerance or preference not listed, please contact us to see if we can accommodate them.