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Adolescent Treatment

We know that if you’re here, this is not an easy time for your family. We will support you in every way we can.

Man and Woman talking on a couch

What treatment is available for adolescents?

Treatment for Patients 16 and Above
The Eating Disorder Center of Montana is currently only seeing patients ages 16 and above. We are not performing assessments for patients under 16, but we can provide recommendations for outside therapists and dietitians, or for higher levels of care. 

Higher Levels of Care Available Elsewhere
Below we have a list of trusted facilities offering higher levels of care for children and adolescents. Currently there are no residential treatment or in-patient centers in Montana. We encourage you to reach out to the centers listed below as soon as possible to join their waitlist, even if you are uncertain what level of care is needed. Treatment centers may have up to a two month wait for adolescents due to a nationwide increase in demand for residential treatment.

One of the best ways to give your child the best chance at lasting, lifelong recovery is for them to be at their best level of care as soon as possible. Adolescents are especially at risk to struggle throughout life if the right treatment is not sought early.

Residential Treatment Centers (RTCs)

EDCMT has relationships with a handful of trusted RTCs. 

Every center is different. We recommend calling each center’s admission team to learn more about their clinical approach, program size (as this varies), degree of family involvement, recommended length of stay, and aftercare plan for when your child comes home. 

We’re here for you and your family. If you’re unsure of the next step, call us and we can help.