Historically, some people who are experiencing an eating disorder have chosen to be plant-based (either vegan or vegetarian) as a culturally acceptable way to restrict food and avoid addressing their eating disorder behaviors. However, we are seeing more and more people switching to plant-based for ethical and/or philosophical reasons, and we want to do our best to support those who have those personal preferences.
At the Eating Disorder Center of Montana (EDCMT), patients who want to follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle are asked to consider the difference between their choices that are based on their eating disorder vs. their ethical and/or philosophical motivations. Our goal is to help our patients find their own way with food and to move through the world in a way that works for them.
Traditionally eating disorder centers have not honored plant-based food choices as it was seen as a culturally acceptable way to restrict food. EDCMT patients will continue to be challenged to evaluate restrictive eating behaviors and will be asked to differentiate between eating disorder restrictive food choices and food choices that feel right to them and support their overall health and goals. Our dietitians will help patients at all levels of care challenge food beliefs, allow for flexibility, remove fear and make peace with food.
In our day treatment program, we have honored specific food allergies and food intolerances as well as vegetarianism in the past. We now offer plant-based versions of our meals and snacks for those who choose to be vegetarian or vegan for ethical and/or philosophical reasons. Our house chef Leah is well-educated in plant-based cuisine, including a master’s degree in sustainable food systems, plus degrees in nutrition and farm-to-table culinary arts, and crafts beautiful versions of our meals featuring alternatives to meat and dairy.
If you have any questions about EDCMT or wonder if you are a candidate for eating disorder treatment, please reach out to our admissions director, Laurie Newhouse at 406.451.7370.