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Career Opportunity

Counseling Intern/Milieu Therapist

We are taking applications for two to three counseling interns to work as milieu therapists with our dedicated team. Milieu therapists serve the patient population by providing support and containment to EDCMT patients in the PHP and IOP treatment environment, aka, the “milieu”. They provide ongoing anxiety regulation, mindfulness, and interrupt or redirect behaviors during groups, meals, and milieu time. The milieu therapist is present at some meals and in group therapy and in transitions to and from core programming, by assisting providers to maintain a safe space for patients to learn to eat and exercise in a life sustaining way. 

These positions are available to academically minded students with interest in working with people across the spectrum of types and acuity of eating disorders, in support of our primary goal: to set each patient on a path to full recovery from both the mental and physical attributes of their eating disorder.


Please submit a full resume and cover letter with expressed interest to