Whether you’ve been one or have one, it’s no surprise that teenagers are complex beings, and sometimes they do things that adults, even their parents, don’t understand. Add in that our society is complex, everchanging, and affects everyone differently. Plus, take into consideration that eating disorders are complex, bio-psycho-social disorders that stem from multiple places and can affect people very differently. Combine all of these factors, and it’s understandable that parents don’t always know whether or not their teen needs help. Do they have an eating disorder? Or are they simply being a teenager?
We are always here to answer questions if you are concerned about your child. If you’re not sure if your child has an eating disorder, we’ve created helpful information on our website to provide you some answers and give you some things to consider.
Our new quiz will give you some signs to look out for and topics to think about, and help you uncover any behaviors that might seem benign on their own, but combined with other signs, could point toward disordered eating or an eating disorder.
Take the quiz here: https://edcmontana.org/teen-program-quiz/
Or give us a call and we can help you answer other questions you might have.