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Career Opportunity

Part-Time Milieu Therapist

We are now taking applications for a milieu therapist to join our dedicated team. Milieu therapists serve the patient population by providing wrap-around support to EDCMT patients in the day treatment/partial hospitalization program (PHP) and intensive outpatient program (IOP) treatment environment, aka, the “milieu”. They provide ongoing anxiety regulation, mindfulness, and interrupt or redirect behaviors throughout the day. The milieu therapist is present at some meals and in group therapy and in transitions to and from core programming, by assisting providers to maintain a safe space for patients to learn to eat and exercise in a life sustaining way.

We are seeking an organized, warm, grounded and self-motivated individual with leadership skills who is comfortable in the roles described above. Applicants do not need to be licensed therapists, though a background as support staff in a mental health or healthcare organization is preferred. 


Please submit a full resume and cover letter with expressed interest to