Watch a replay of EDCMT’s registered dietitian, Rebecca Cawood, talk about what body neutrality/acceptance is, why we need this, where the concept originates from and real ways you can cultivate this in your own life.
Watch it here:
Body Neutrality / Acceptance Resources:
Curated by registered dietitian, Rebecca Cawood
Radical Belonging by Lindo Bacon
The Body is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor
Body Respect by Linda Bacon and Lucy Aphamor
Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield
More Than a Body: Your Body is an Instrument, Not an Ornament by Lexie and Lindsay Kite
The Body Manifesto by Lindo Bacon
My Journey towards Radical Body Positivity by Matt McGorry
But I Don’t Want to Accept my Body…A Shoe Story by Anna Sweeney
What If I Can’t Love my Body? Exploring Body Respect, Acceptance, Trust, and Love by Rachael Hartley
An Imperfect Human’s Guide to Body Positivity by Nora Whelan and Andrew Richard
Social media accounts:
And we love Rebecca’s non-diet and Health At Every Size focused nutrition account here: @joyfuelnutrition
Thank you for joining us for Every Body Belongs in Bozeman week. There is still time to donate or bid on a silent auction item. All proceeds go to Suffer Out Loud and Project HEAL.