Collective struggle, grief and uncertainty have been very strong since the pandemic began. On top of that we’ve seen many communities around the country shocked by violence. It’s a lot. We’re feeling it too and it is hard. When there is so much happening externally that is largely out of our control, it can make the recovery journey feel more difficult or less important. Here are some recovery reminders for difficult times.
‣ You are allowed to stay focused on your recovery first.
Your eating disorder might tell you otherwise. Don’t listen to it. This might look different or be harder right now but it’s still the priority. Recovery is key to being able to show up in the world and your communities.
‣ You are allowed to unplug and stay off social media and the news.
Depending on your own anxiety levels, you might not be able to safely cope with everything going on. It’s ok to turn it all off and take care of yourself first.
‣ You are allowed to feel upset by the events in the world and express these feelings to your care team.
Feeling your feelings and sharing them with your support systems is important. But it can be a lot to handle alone. You don’t have to. Lean on your team.
‣ You still deserve to celebrate any progress and wins in your recovery journey today.
Your personal wins in recovery always matter. Celebrate them. Take note of them. They are so very very big in your journey. You are always allowed to see and feel them.
‣ You are allowed to be gentle with yourself.
Maybe even gentler than yesterday. Gentle is always allowed. Gentleness is strength in the face of obstacles. We’re sorry culture has told us the opposite but it’s brave to acknowledge what you are feeling and face it with compassion.
Take care out there. And come back to this list anytime you feel like your recovery does not matter, because it always does.
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